
Beef and Kidney Beans with Hoisin and Soy sauce


  • 4 table spoons rice wine
  • 3 table spoons dark soy sauce
  • 1 table spoon Cornflower
  • 1 tea spoon caster sugar
  • 1 table spoon Hoisin sauce
Rest of ingredients:
  • 300 to 500 g Beef Steak
  • 2 Paprika's (Red, Green)
  • 1 (small) tin Kidney Beans
  • 1 Beef Stock Cube (Bouillon)
  • 100 ml Water
  • 4 table spoons Wok Oil


Read the whole recipe before starting.

First start with the marinade. Add the rice wine and the dark soy sauce to a bowl and stir through. Add the sugar and the cornflower and stir until dissolved. Then add the hoisin sauce and stir until all is evenly mixed.

Dice up the beef and add it to a bowl. Add the marinade and mix it so that the meat is coated. Let the beef marinade for at least 3 hours.

Before you start woking, wash the paprika's, remove stem and seeds and cut them into half-moon shapes. Also add the water and the stock cube in a small pan and heat up, to dissolve the stock cube. Also open the tin of kidney beans, drain and rinse the beans.

Into the Wok:

First add the Wok oil into the wok and heat up the oil. Then add the paprika's, stir fry for about 4 minutes. Then remove the paprika's from the wok keeping the oil inside of the wok. Just use a clean plate to store the paprika's for now. Then add the marinated beef including the marinade, be careful here and watch out for hot splashes. Stir fry the beef and marinade for about 2 minutes, then add the kidney beans, stir a bit more. Then add the paprika's back into the wok, stir through, add the stock and lower the heat. Stir through to thicken the sauce and your ready to serve.

Serve with:

Boiled White Rice and optionally some dark soy sauce.

Marinated beef.

Paprika's in the wok.

Beef and Kidney Beans in the wok.

Ready in the wok.