
Satay BBQ Style


  • 500 to 750 g pork filet or pork steaks
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 5 tablespoons ketjap manis
  • 2 tea spoons ground coriander (ketoembar)
  • 1 tea spoons of laos powder (galanga root)
  • 1 tea spoon of sambal (oelek)
  • 1 tea spoon of custard sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1/2 tea spoon salt
  • 1 1/2 table spoons oil (peanut oil)


Read the whole recipe before starting.

Add the ketjap manis into a bowl for mixing the marinade. Then add the lemon juice, I prefer to use fresh lemon juice, half a lemon should be more than enough. Then add the sugar and stir through. Peal the cloves of garlic and crush them using a garlic press, add the crushed garlic to the marinade and stir through. Add the sambal and stir through. Then the ground coriander and the loas powder to the marinade mixture and stir though until you have a smooth mixture. Taste the mixture to check if the taste is good, I usually put a drop of marinade on my fingertip for tasting. Then add the salt and stir through, taste again to check the taste. I use my experience with this dish to check the taste of the marinade. Then add the oil, and stir through thoroughly so that the oil is mixed with the rest of the marinade. Set aside the bowl with the marinade mixture to use once the meat is cut.

Remove fat from the pork when needed. Cut the pork into pieces, a little larger than with the Satay Pan style, and add the dices to a bowl for marinating the meat. When all the meat is in the bowl, get the bowl of marinade mixture, stir through once more, and add the marinade to the meat. Then stir through the meat so the meat and marinade is well mixed and all pieces of meat are covered with marinade. The meat must marinade at least for 3 hours, so cover the bowl, and put this in the refrigerator. If you have wooden skewers, add these to a container covering the skewers in water, this will prevent burning when BBQ'ing the satay. Most of the time I do this just after I marinated the meat, and will leave them in water for over 3 hours. Then about 1 hour before adding the meat to the skewers, get the meat out of the fridge, stir through and leave out of the fridge to get to room temperature.

Remove the skewers from the water and add pieces of the satay meat to the skewers. I normally add 4 pieces, but it will depend on the size of the pieces and the length of the skewers, so use whatever fits your needs. Add the satay skewers to a large plate, and set aside until needed. You can cover the plate with foil and/or add the plate back to the refrigerator if the satay isn't needed for some time. I think it's best to remove the satay skewers from the fridge some time before putting them on the BBQ.

On the BBQ:

Add the satay skewers to the BBQ when the BBQ is hot and ready. As the cooking time can be different based on how hot the BBQ is, and how large the pieces of satay meat are, you will need to check yourself when the satay is ready. I normally take at least 10 minutes, so 5 minutes per side, and then check if they are ready.

Serve with:

This satay can be best served with peanut sauce, and maybe some pieces of French bread. And of course works very well with other BBQ dishes.


Chicken: I have used pork meat here to get a satay babi, you can also try this with chicken, to get satay ajam. I am a bit weird and I don't like chicken, so I only have experience with satay babi.

A bowl with the marinade mixture ready

A bowl of satay meat that has just been marinated

Satay meat ready on the skewers

Satay on the BBQ